Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Plateau youths plan grazing policy protest tagged OCCUPY PLATEAU

Plateau youths plan grazing policy protest tagged OCCUPY PLATEAU

Amidst the grazing reserves (or ranching) policy debate raging-on on the Plateau, Dachung Bagos, a former House of Representatives aspirant and convener of the Plateau G17 group has issued a rallying cry to Plateau Youths to stand up and be counted in the quest to impress on government the importance of consultation on such a sensitive policy.

In a statement circulated to newsmen and shared with ViewPointNigeria, Bagos called on the youths to come out and Occupy Plateau in order to draw government’s attention to the matter. The statement read:
“Let’s take a stand against land grabbing through the grazing reserves policy

This is a clarion call to all Plateau youth to come out en masse and take a stand against interests which seek to mortgage our futures and heritage through the dubious and diabolical grazing reserves bill.

It is not news that the Plateau state government has gone ahead with plans to apportion large swathes of lands across the state to a purported grazing reserves/ranches policy without due consultation with stakeholders and the relevant communities.

Such a policy means that Plateau farmers will be massively disadvantaged and undermined in terms of land ownership, productivity and subsistence. This will put massive pressures on farming and agriculture –exacerbating the current conflicts. We as Plateau youths reject such dangerous policy, because of the dangers and disadvantages it portends to our (and our children’s) futures.

We call on the state Government to immediately rescind such a dangerous decision and decisively delist Plateau state from the list of grazing areas and commence full consultation with relevant stakeholders and communities on this matter.

As Frantz Fanon aptly puts it “each generation must, come out of obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it”.
We must not shy away from this very important duty for ourselves and posterity!!!

Come out en masse and occuply Plateau state.

Date: The protest starts on Monday 13th June 2016

Time: 9:00 am prompt

Venue: Old Government House Rayfield Jos

Bagos finished his communique by reiterating that the protest is a peaceful one and that no violence of any sort will be tolerated. He called on all who plan to attend, to be of good conduct and protest within the confined of civility.

Grazing Reserves Policy3

Grazing Reserves Policy2

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