Sunday 5 June 2016

Bridget Agbahime was not Beheaded because of BLASPHEMY she was killed because she is an Igbo woman

Bridget Agbahime an Igbo from Imo State, disallowed some Muslims from performing ablution in front of her shop in Kofar Wambai area of Kano metropolis, following which she was accused of blasphemy and the mob gathered and lynched her, shot her, dragged her on the floor, and later beheaded her in the presence of her husband, Pastor Mike Agbahime, on Thursday.

A muslim Abdulgafar Obeitor on FACEBOOK wrote this..

Its unfortunate that we muslims are quick to judge someone and justify killing him for blasphemy whereas we do not in our own acts show the true person of our prophet SAW.

U indulged someone in exchange of words and in the process he insults the prophet and straight up he should be killed. If you were not troublesome do u think he would see something negative to say about u or the prophet?

Even if he were to insult u first, if u loved the prophet that much u would be smiling as he would and wouldn't even remember to reply.

Now u go in front of someone's shop to perform ablution, she said u should leave cuz apparently u are not in good terms and the result is blasphemy. Did the prophet SAW ask u to fight for what's not your property?

Did he ask u to argue and exchange words with other persons? And those shouting she should be killed, were u told to take action or speak without investigation? Where are ur witnesses?

It is a fact that every tribe in this country hates the other tribes which make it even hard for me to hate racists abroad when we within don't even love each other.

Most of these actions are tribalistic and not religious But the most unfortunate part is the fact that such hatred in the north (sorry to my hausa friends but this is true and we all know it) is quickly attributed to religion. So many cases during so called religious fights where Muslims are attacked too cuz they aren't indigenous to the area yet "religious crisis". A mob kills a person and straight up there is an islamic justification for it.

If shariah was truly to be implemented, the one that provoked an insult on the prophet is responsible for the insult. And we muslims should be true to ourselves, if we acted in the ways of the prophet, do u really think an unbelieving neighbor of urs would have any negative talk against u or the prophet?

And for the northern leaders shouting sharia law in their states, how do u implement sharia in a society filled with corruption and deceit, where the average person has no work to cater for his needs but u want to cut his arm for stealing.

Where the leaders are even the ones stealing when they have enough. As u claim to bring shariah, set things straight.

As a state covered with a federal law, non indigenes should be covered by the federal law. The case of saudi and other arab countries is very different as they are islamic independent states. Before coming in u know, the federal rule of law and u know it's sharia.

Kano is not independent, at least until we split if thats what we need.
Remember the prophet is not here, therefore u and I that represent him are the ones that determine what non believers think of him SAW.

I know no one can be as perfect but think of what role u have played to show the goodness of our prophet.

If a muslim were not ignorant enough to make the below statement, the next comment would not have come!!!

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