Sunday 22 May 2016

Wabba can’t claim he’s representing the masses — Ajaero, NLC faction leader

The factional President of the Nigeria Labour Congress and General Secretary of the National Union of Electricity Employees, Joe Ajaero, tells BAYO AKINLOYE that his group was not sponsored by the Federal Government to support the fuel price hike

Is it true that your faction of the Nigeria Labour Congress is being sponsored by the Federal Government to divide the organised labour?

The question is this: Did they (Federal Government) sponsor the other faction (of the NLC) to equally be at the meeting (held in Abuja to discuss the hike in fuel price)? And who are the members of my faction? This is an energy strike and the demand by both factions of the NLC includes the issue of electricity tariff and price of petroleum products. The president of my faction and the deputy are president of National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers and the general secretary of electricity (workers’) union (respectively). If I wasn’t at the meeting in my capacity as the NLC president, I would be there in my capacity as the general secretary of the electricity (workers’) union. Where did that fact come from (that the government sponsored my being present at the meeting)? Let them bring forward any evidence that the Federal Government paid for my transport or even gave me ‘pure’ water to drink. That is fallacy; it’s a figment of their imagination. How come their invitation was not sponsored and mine was? Why will a Federal Government in a situation that there is strike invite somebody from the public service and leave out somebody in the private sector? Why would the government leave out somebody in petroleum when the issue on ground involves everyone in the country?

Is it true that your presence at the meeting prompted the Ayuba Wabba-led NLC to storm out of the Abuja parley?

No, it’s not true. What happened was that the first day when we were supposed to start meeting, NUPENG had already given a notice in advance that (Ayuba) Wabba was not the president of their faction and could not speak for them. I know that if I wasn’t there, they could have equally mentioned that Wabba couldn’t speak for them. Whoever represented them was invited to that meeting but Wabba objected to my being at the meeting. When he objected, he suggested that I should be met separately and that he too should be met separately. Thus, the government met with him and I waited for five hours after which the government also met with me. The second day, the government met with me first and met with him later. But that is not the issue. The issue is on the content of the discussion and some other things.

Your faction has been described as anti-masses for refusing to support the Wabba-led NLC strike. Why was your faction not part of the strike?

My faction did not give any ultimatum that it would go on strike on Wednesday. But I came up with a statement that the government should consult with all stakeholders in the country before that day. Based on that statement I was invited to the meeting. My faction was never part of the plan to go on strike. And we didn’t say we would go on strike on a different day to avoid any discordant tune. When we got there and he (Wabba) said he was not going to be in the meeting with me, there was no way I could join him in the industrial action which I wasn’t part of or hadn’t mobilised my union for. Any union that tells you it can mobilise people for a strike within two or three days is a liar; he was playing with the feelings of the people. Strike is not something you announce once and it happens immediately. If the strike called for was to succeed it could have taken a minimum of one week for sensitisation and mobilisation. We could have held meetings and formed committees for the strike; met with civil society organisations, the National Association of Nigerian Students, market women and other groups. Everyone is needed to organise a nationwide protest or strike. The (industrial) action was dead on arrival – it wasn’t meant to succeed.

What agreement did your faction reach with the government and why?

There is usually a tripartite committee for minimum wage; we have made a proposal for minimum wage and requested that the committee should be set up – we made a proposal of N90, 000 but this figure has to be negotiated by all stakeholders in the labour market. Two, in terms of palliatives, we know that the N500bn in the budgetary provisions is for social security. I pointed out at that meeting that the Subsidy Re-investment Programme exercise was a failure; and that with the social security, the Federal Government must involve trade unions, civil society organisations and the congress of political parties. That will ensure an all-inclusive social safety net. Now, the main reason why this agitation started is the price of petroleum products.

Before Bamidele Aturu (a human rights lawyer and activist) died, he took the Federal Government to court and got the order that it is only the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency that has the right to fix prices of petroleum products as provided by law. Thus, my NLC faction informed the government that even if we discussed the price issue with them at the meeting and got a downward or upward review of the price, the fact that it was the government and labour that took that action would not make it legal. Illegality continues; unless, the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency board, which has not met for some years is reconstituted and we got an agreement signed that within the next two weeks, the PPPRA board should be reconstituted.

What’s the way forward between your faction of the NLC and Wabba’s?

This current situation was created in 1978 when General Olusegun Obasanjo merged the hitherto four labour centres; there used to be four labour centres before that time. Perhaps, in order for him to have a hold on labour, as a military man then, he set up a committee that proposed one labour centre in Nigeria – that was the emergence of the NLC. Again, in 2002, during Obasanjo’s regime as democratic head of state, the NLC became so powerful, according to him. He once announced that the NLC then had constituted itself into a parallel government. In view of that, he came up with a law that enabled the registration of TUC. The point I am making is that even if we have six labour centres in Nigeria that is not the end of labour unionism in the country; it doesn’t mean the NLC is weak. What we could have done before the meeting was to have considered issues together and presented a common front before the government – if we really love the Nigerian people; if we preach to love them. Even Adams Oshiomhole (Edo State Governor) was baffled; he felt we were going to run an all-inclusive NLC but he was disappointed when he saw a (Wabba) faction taking a unilateral decision without consulting other bodies. How could he alone attend a meeting on behalf of labour? That is why NUPENG concluded that he could not represent them, since he was running a group that was not all-inclusive.

We can work towards it (an all-inclusive NLC). But we will not accept one NLC that is homogenous in terms of ideas, that is civil service-oriented – a union that the civil service mentality has got into whatever is being done. The public sector wants to dominate you; nobody comes to the aid of workers in the private sector when they are in distress. When electricity workers were given the sack, the (Wabba-led) NLC never kicked against that action. A similar thing happened in the oil and banking sectors, the (Wabba-led) NLC didn’t raise an eyebrow. The private sector union, whether you call it faction or whatever, must equally be represented and fight their cause. Job security in the private sector is more precarious than in the public sector. In the 2016 budgetary allocation, at least N1.8tn is for public service salary; President (Muhammadu) Buhari did not cut it. Thus, they (public servants) are sure of job security this year; it’s not the same reality in the private sector. It is not about leadership tussle – it is all about interest; protection of the rights of workers. The issue of fixing the right prices for petroleum products is not a labour issue; it is an issue that affects all Nigerians. The government ought to invite market women, religious organisations, student bodies, civil society groups and political parties. It is wrong for anybody to say he doesn’t want to see another person in such a meeting. I think the person goofed to have said he didn’t want to see somebody in that meeting. Nigerians can rise to demand that things should be done properly but not for labour to appropriate to itself the right to represent Nigerians and represent them wrongly. It is wrong.

Are you saying the Wabba-led NLC is misrepresenting Nigerians?

How can a reactionary arm of the labour movement represent the masses? They can’t do that – Nigerians will look at their pedigree. How could he (Wabba) go for such a meeting and then go behind (closed) doors to ask for debt forgiveness on the loan of N2bn given to the NLC by the Federal Government to run Labour City Transport? Why would he do that? Was that what the Nigerian masses sent him there to do? Therefore, I don’t think either by their orientation or by their calling or the process through they are claiming that office, they can claim to be representing the masses – never!

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