Saturday 12 December 2015

MUST READ !! Shocking Revelation How The North Was Made Lord Over Other Regions By The British & Why We Must Talk! – A no-holds-barred compendium by Henry Omoregie

The average Nigerian is endowed with dogged, never-say-die, ”it-won’t-happen-to-me”, ”I-will-make-it” attributes.

Lord Frederick Lugard should be shocked (in his grave) to see us still together after 99 straight years of one year, one trouble.He advised the British authorities then, about the near futility of an amalgam he described as mixing oil and water.

In Lugard’s own words: ”the north and south are like oil and water – they cannot mix”.
Now this is going to be a long chronicle of anecdotal records that I will leave to the readers for critical analyses.

The first 50 years (1914-1964):

1. Chief Richard Akinjide (SAN), a member of the Tafawa Balewa and Shagari governments – and as such, privy to intelligence reports and sensitive records – had this to say:

“In 1898, Lugard formed the West African Frontier Force initially with 2,000 soldiers, about 90 percent of them were from the North mainly from the Middle belt,, and that was the beginning of our problems. Anybody who wants to know the root cause of all the coups and our present problems, and who does not know the evolution of Nigeria would just be looking at the matter superficially. Our problems started from that time. And Lugard was what they called at that time imperialist.“

Chief Akinjide, an insider, continued: “Infact, the so-called Nigeria created in 1914 was a complete fraud. It was created not in the interest of Nigeria or Nigerians but in the interest of the British. And what were the structures created?

The structures created were as follows: Northern Nigeria was to represent England; Western Nigeria like Wales; Eastern Nigeria was to be like Scotland. In the British structure, England has permanent majority in the House of Commons. There was no way Wales can ever dominate England, neither can Scotland dominate Britain. But they are very shrewd. They would allow a Scottish man to become Prime Minister. They would allow a Welsh man to become Prime Minister in London but the fact remains that the actual power rested in England. That was what Lugard created in Nigeria, a permanent majority for the North“. “The population figure of the North is also a fraud. The analysis is as follows: If you look at the map of West Africa, starting from Mauritania to Cameroun and take a population of each country as you move from the coast to the Savannah, the population decreases. Or conversely, as you come from the Desert to the Coast, right from Mauritania to the Cameroun, the population increases. The only exception throughout that zone is Nigeria.“

“The British needed the Railway from the North to the Coast in the interest of British business. Amalgamation of the South (not of the people) became of crucial importance to British business interest. He said the North and the South should be amalgamated“.

“What is critical and important are the reasons Lugard gave in his dispatches. They are as follows:

He said the North is poor and they have no resources to run the protectorate of the North. That they have no access to the sea; that the South has resources and have educated people“

“When the amalgamation took effect, the British government sealed off the South from the North. And between 1914 and l960, that’s a period of 46 years, the British allowed minimum contact between the North and South because it was not in the British interest that the North be allowed to be polluted by the educated South.“

Obvious – the Willie Lynch Principle! Divide-and-Rule! Domination.

“I entered Parliament on December 12, 1959. When the North formed a political party, the northern leaders called it Northern Peoples Congress (NPC). They didn’t call it Nigeria Peoples Congress. That was in accordance with the dictum and policies of Lugard. When Aminu Kano formed his own party, it was called Northern Elements Progressive Union (NEPU) not Nigerian Progressive Union. Northern Peoples Congress was, back then, still exists in one form or another in 2011- not without a Northern-prefix!
Sometimes, you still read Northern Elements Political Forum! Indeed, these elements have not changed! 50 years later, we are still being confronted with a Northern Consensus Candidate.
Northern this, Northern that! Not Nigerian!”The Hausa-Fulani has no ideals, no ambitions save such as sensual in character. He is a fatalist, spendthrift and a gambler. He is gravely immoral and is seriously diseased that he is a menace to any community to which he seeks to attach himself”- Lord Lugard in a Letter to his colleague, Walter H. Lang on September 25, 1918.

How Federalism was destroyed in Nigeria

By REMI OYEYEMI Monday, April 2, 2012

It was Uthman Dan Fodio, a Fulani and great Islamic scholar who described “Conscience” as “an open wound” that could only be healed by “the truth.” Whatever served as the inspiration for this concept could not be anything other than awesome.

The fact that this same Dan Fodio is the great grandfather of Sir Ahmadu Bello, the late Sultan of Sokoto and Premier of Northern Region, the man who have played a prominent role in the Nigerian vicissitudes makes it highly imperative that we all open our “consciences” and allow “the truth” to heal them, if Nigeria must be saved.It is important that Nigeria returns to true Federalism if it must survive.

In this era when there is clamour for the Sovereign National Conference (SNC), it is important that we try to look back in History and examine how our Federalism was unmade. This is because as the Spanish born American Essayist Geoge Santayana once contended,

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” In this venture, all of us, regarfless of our ethnic background must allow “the truth” to nurture and heal our “consciences” for the sake of our collective survival as a country.The Nigerian Federalism was unmade via two fronts: (1) Structural or Political and (2) Fiscal or FinancialIn 1952, Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sultan of Sokoto and the leader of the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) made the following request to the Nigerian Colonial Seceretary, Mr. Oliver Lyttleton:“If you want us (the North) to be part of this Nigeria you have in mind, then we want 50% of the membership of the National Assembly.”It would be recalled that as a result of the elections of 1954, there were 162 seats in the Nigerian National Assembly.

Out of this, the South had 83 seats (51.23%) and the North had 79 seats (48.76%), including the Yoruba people of Kwara. This means that if the Kwara people were not lumped with the North, they would still have less number of seats than 79, since this was based on population.This shows that the South of Nigeria has always been more populous than the North of Nigeria. But Sultan Bello, as evident from this 1952 request, has a different idea.

If one considers his aristocratic background, one would have an understanding of his fear of “pure” democracy. Aristocracy is “the government of a country by a small group of people especially a hereditary nobility” which is “a group believed to be superior to all others of the same kind.”Thus for the Sultan to seek to dominate by any means necessary, would seem natural to him.In 1957, he refused the independence of Nigeria because he insisted the North was not ready.

But the North was ready when he got what he wanted, and more, before Nigerian Independence in 1960. The British overlords, in order to assuage Sultan Bello’s fears and put Nigeria in his control, created in 1959, 312 seats for the Nigerian National Assembly without any election or new Census. Out of this 312, the North was allocated 174 and the South 138 in the anticipation of the Parliamentary Political System being put in place for Nigeria’s independence. Sultan Bello asked for 50% of the seats in the National Assembly, he got 55.7%. Suddenly, an apartheid system was put in place as the majority South, became the minority and the minority North became the majority.This is where the future of Nigeria was unmade, and the seed for the destruction of the Nigerian Federalism was sowed.

This development gave unburnished confidence to Sultan Bello who declared on October 12, 1960, in an interview with The Parrot, just days after independence the following words: “This New Nation called Nigeria, should be an estate of our great grand father, Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools, and the South, as conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us, and never allow them to have control over their future.

”With Alhaji Tafawa Balewa firmly in charge in Lagos, Sir Bello’s confidence became ebullient. To him Chief Obafemi Awolowo has been a thorn in his flesh politically, having mainatained an effective opposition to the feudalisation of Nigeria. Earlier in 1959, he had vowed to make Chief Awolowo pay dearly for forcing him to canvass for the votes of his Northern people. Awolowo had to be caged.

Thus in the Daily Times of May 3, 1961, Sir Bello said the following:“I’m set and fully armed, to conquer the Action Group, AG, in the same ruthless manner as my grandfather conquered Alkalawa, a town in Sokoto province, during the last century.” In May 1962, twelve months after this statement, the NPC Prime Minister of Nigeria, Tafawa Balewa, acting on instructions from Sultan Bello moved a motion to Declare A State of Emergency in Western Region. Below is an excerpt of Chief Awolowo’s contribution opposing the motion of Prime Minister Balewa on May 29, 1962:“Not long ago after independence, there was rioting of a most severe nature in the Tiv Division of Northern Nigeria. Several lives were lost, several properties were destroyed, there was arson and a host of other crimes were committed. At that time, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was the Prime Minister as he is today.

He did not think it fit to call this parliament to declare a state of public emergency in the Northern Region. Also in Okrika – there was widespread rioting in Okrika; again, several lives and properties were lost. I understand that this widespread rioting in Okrika occurred twice in the Eastern Region. The Prime Minister and the cabinet did not think it fit on that occasion to declare a state of public emergency in the Eastern Region.

“But, because the Action Group is pursuing the normal democratic processes as laid down in our constitution to oust someone who happens to be a very close friend of the Prime Minister, and also because the AG is looked upon as a moral foe to the NPC, this very far-reaching provision of our constitution is now being invoked, …..It is doing violence to our constitution and doing violence to the construction of words to suggest that what happened in the Western House of Assembly amounts to a state of public emergency.”On July 16, 1962, exactly 46 days after Chief Awolowo moved this motion and fourteen months after Sir Bello made the statement of conquest of the AG, Chief Awolowo was arrested on the trumped up charges of Treasonable Felony. On November 2, 1962, Chief Awolowo and 28 other members of his party were put on trial.

After a hearing lasting eleven months, he was sentenced (September 11, 1963) to ten years imprisonment. This effectively shut down the opposition to the unmaking of Nigerian Federalism which continued unabated.Thus, why Awolowo was incarcerated, the Northern Peoples Congress led Federal Government embarked on headcount.

This exercise was headed by a Briton as Federal Census Officer, Mr. J. J. Warren. The exercise was later cancelled because it was unacceptable. Daniel Agbowu in his book “NIGERIA: The Truth” quoted from M. Crowder’s book, “Story of Nigeria” published in 1966 noting that “The 1962 figures were first questioned in the first place not by politicians but by the civil servant in charge of the Census.”The Census was re-conducted in 1963 but not without controversy. The figure released on February 24, 1964 is as follows:North: 29,809,000

East: 12,394,000

West: 10,931,000

Midwest: 2,536,000

TOTAL: 55,670,000.

This was in contrast to the initial figure of over 60 million. Dr. Michael Okpara, Premier of Eastern Region described it as “worse than useless.” Chief Dennis Osadebey characterised it as the “stupendous joke of our age.” Chief S. L. Akintola, revelling in his supposed invulnerability having allied himself to the NPC, which mastermined the incarceration of Awolowo, gladly “accepted the census figures” and said “the figures were accurate.”

Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, encumbered by his involvement in the Balewa government, could not effectively artculate the anger of his people as he pleaded that “all should remain calm” because the Census controversy “might plunge the nation into disaster.” Chief Awolowo was meanwhile effectively out of circulation. Sultan Bello had come out smoking as he threatened that “he and his party were ready for a complete showdown” and “warned all Nigerians” that his “Government has accepted the published figures.” Tafawa Balewa ignored all the protestations and went ahead to distribute the seats in the National Assembly as follows:

North 168 53.8%,

East 69 21 %,

West (Lagos included) 61 19.6%,

Midwest 14 4.5%.

The Eastern Region Soilicitor General, Mr. D. O. Ibekwe “took out a writ in the Supreme Court to restrain the Federal Government from using the 1963 Census figures for delineation of the country.” But the Supreme Court said it had no jurisdiction over the case, thus the unmaking of Nigerian Federalism continued.

Crisis followed that action of 1964 by Tafawa Balawa. In the West, the people took their destiny in their hands to confront the government of S. L. Akintola in an episode ingloriously referred to as “wet e.” The Tiv Riots, simmering since 1960 also came to a head in 1964 in what was called “nande nande” (burning burning) and “atem ityough” (head breaking). The whole country went up in flames which unfortunately, consumed the main actors, Sir Ahmadu Bello, Sir Tafawa Balewa and Chief S. L. Akintola, as the Military ascended the political pedestal to continue the serial rigging of Nigeria’s Federalism.

As at the time the First Republic went up in flames in 1966, there were different constitutions for each region and Nigeria. Each region has its own High Commissioner in London. What does this mean? It meant that every region was in control of its destiny. Most historical analysts believed that General Aguiyi Ironsi who took over the reign of power from the uncoordinated plotters of the coup was the first leader who actually practicalised Unitarism of the Nigerian political space, at least officially.

Reasons for this should not be difficult to decipher given the chaos that ended the First Republic. But this particular act coupled with the fact that in the January 15, 1966 coup led by mainly Igbo officers, Sultan Ahmadu Bello, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa (both Fulani) and Chief S. L. A. Akintola (Yoruba) were killed. But this was reportedly an excuse for the July 25, 1966 coup led by Murtala Mohammed that eventually saw the installation of Lt. Colonel Yakubu Gowon as the military Head of State.

If the Northern soldiers abhored Unitarism, part of the reason they had allegedly staged a vengeance coup, one would have thought that things would have been different on taking power. But alas, that was not the case. The Aburi Agreement meant to calm the nerves after the 1966 pogrom that would have guaranteed each region the control of its own destiny was violated by the North led Federal Government which went ahead to break Nigeria into twelve states. One region, the North ended up with six states. The three other regions ended up with 6 states in yet another rigging of Nigeria. And then there was the Civil War and the unmaking of Nigerian Fiscal Federalism commenced in earnest.

The Constitution establishing Nigeria stipulated 50% derivation “in respect of any Mineral extracted from that region.” Sub-sections 1,2 3,4 and 5 of the Constitution explained this in detail. But this would not deter the rigging of Nigeria as Yakubu Gowon unilaterally took off 5% oil receipt of the Niger Delta leaving them with 45%. He then proceeded with another Census in 1973. At first, Gowon came out with a total of 79,758,969. The six states of the North got 51 million while the Southern six states were given barely 28,758,969.

“This meant that the population of the North had jumped from 53.6% in 1963/64 to 63.8 in 1973/74 census. The Southern population had dwindled to 36.2% from 46.4%….” The Chairman of the census board late Sir Adetokunbo Ademola said “the figures published by Gowon were not my making.” Chief Obafemi Awolowo, now out of incarceration called the 1973 census a “barren exercise..”

To appreciate the extent of the rigging of the census figures, a comparative analysis of the figures alloted to the North of Nigeria showed that Niger Republic with 1,266,700sq km in land space in the desert has 5,013,966 population in 1973. Chad with 1,259,200 sq km of space had 4,011,856 population in 1973. But the North of Nigeria sharing boundaries with Chad and Niger Republic and with 679,534 sq km of space had 51million! The 1990/91 Census gave the North 47,261,959. Nothing points more to rigging when you look at the 1973 figures of 51 million and 1990 figure of over 47 million. There is no scientific explanation for the reduced difference of almost 4 million.

The Northerners rigged the population in favour of the North and used it as a basis to create States and local governments to the North’s advantage as ameans to siphoning resources to the disadvantage of the South. The Northern Military rulers who created states made sure that the North always had more states than the South as the table below shows:

At the risk of stating the obvious, it is an open seceret that the North has 64 more local governments than the entire South – North 419 LGs to South’s 355. What is obvious is the careless abandon with which money is allocated to the states and local governments of the North such that the North takes home 21/2 times what the former Eastern Region took, and 3 to 4 times what the Western Region took and at times, as much as 10 times what the former Mid-Western Region took.

According to “Nigeria: The Truth,” since 1980 when the Federation Account was introduced before the 13% derivation was resuscitated, the take home of each region in percentage of the total accrued money is as follows:

North 54%

East 22%

West 18%

Midwest 6%

Not many Nigerians are aware that the Northern Region paid custom duties to the Western Region until 1976, when Murtala Mohammed took over the reins of Government. Or that as at 1975 when Murtala Mohammend overthrew the Yakubu Gowon administration, the Niger Delta enjoyed 45% rents and royalties? Murtala Mohammed slashed it to 20% (Decree No. 6 of 1975) to assuage the Northern States, before Olusegun Obasanjo, through the Aboyade Technical Commission which recommended the removal of the remaining 20% of the rents and royalties, finally nailed the coffin of the Southern States without any protest from the people of the Niger Delta or other parts of the South.

Since then the North has been having advantages in appointments and resource distribution and have been robbing Peter to pay Paul. Now that the call for Sovereign National Conference is increasing, it is important that Nigerians isolate where the country went off the track and seek ways to retrace their steps as a way of moving forward. The way to go include but not limited to the following: Install True Federalism and allow each region to have its own constitution according to the Principles of Self Determination;

This will put an end to the apartheid system where the minority North is lording it over the majority South.;

This will end the injustice against the South, the goose laying the eggs being deprived of appropriate entitlements to its resources; Allow a minimum of 45% derivation if we cannot go back to the old 50%;

Allow state or regional police force and dismantle the Nigeria Police Force;

Decentralise the Nigerian Armed Forces and allow each region to manage its own defence;

Decentralise power generation; and Let each Region or zone be able to enunciate its own economic plan without the Central Bank being able to overrule them.

‘‘Our agenda was to completely exploit Africa. Nigeria was my duty post. When we assessed Nigeria, this was what we found in the southern region; strength, intelligence, determination to succeed, well established history, complex but focused life style, great hope and aspirations… the East is good in business and technology, the west is good in administration and commerce, law and medicine, but it was a pity we planned our agenda to give power “at all cost” to the northerner. They seemed to be submissive and silly of a kind. Our mission was accomplished by destroying the opposition at all fronts.

The west led in the fight for the independence, and was punished for asking for freedom. They will not rule Nigeria! Harold Smith confessed that the Census results were announced before they were counted. Despite seeing vast land with no human but cattle in the north, we still gave the north 55 million instead of 32 Million. This was to be used to maintain their majority votes and future power bid. He stated that the West without Lagos was the most populous in Nigeria at that time but we ignored that.

The north was seriously encouraged to go into the military. According to him, they believe that the south may attend western education, but future leaders will always come from military background. Their traditional rulers were to be made influential and super human. The northerners were given accelerated promotions both in the military and civil service to justify their superiority over the south. Everything was to work against the south.

We truncated their good plan for their future. “I was very sorry for the A.G; it was a great party too much for African standard. We planned to destroy Awolowo and Azikwe well, the west and the east and sowed a seed of discord among them”. We tricked Azikwe into accepting to be president having known that Balewa will be the main man with power. Awolowo has to go to jail to cripple his genius plans for a greater Nigeria. ‘’Looking at the northern leaders now , If they have any agenda in Nigeria at all, sadly it is only for the north, and nothing for Nigeria….’’

“Many Hausa-Fulani told me that the North’s escalating poverty has resulted from its declining access to oil because of its loss of the presidency to Olusegun Obasanjo, a Southern Christian Yoruba, following the death of the Northern Muslim Kanuri, Sani Abacha. Their solution to Northern poverty was to recapture the federal government. This they did in the rigged elections of 2007 and the presidency of Umaru Yar’Adua. But, they lost it again when Yar’Adua died in May 2010 and the vice president, Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian Ijaw from Southern Nigeria, became president.” – John Campbell, Former US Ambassador to Nigeria.



“The mistake of 1914 has come to light, and I should like it to go no further!” – Sir Ahmadu Bello, addressing the Congress in Lagos, March 1953 (Quoted by Frederick Forsythe in his book, Biafra)

‘Having abused us in the South, these very Southerners have decided to come over to the North to abuse us… We have therefore organized about a thousand men ready in the city to meet force with force…’ – Mallam Inua Wada, Kano Branch Secretary of the Northern People’s Congress, addressing a meeting of section heads of the Native administration during the imminent visit of a delegation of the Action Group to Kano, May 1953. (Quoted by Frederick Forsythe in his book, Biafra)

“Since 1914, the British Government has been trying to make Nigeria into one country, but the Nigerian people themselves are historically different in their backgrounds, in their religious beliefs and customs and do not show themselves any signs of willingness to unite … Nigerian unity is only a British invention” – Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa who was reported by the TIME MAGAZINE of October 10, 1960 to have said there was no basis for Nigerian unity and it was only a wish of the British.

“The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future”. Sir Ahmadu Bello, Parrot Newspaper, Oct 12, 1960

“I’m set and fully armed, to conquer the Action Group, AG, in the same ruthless manner as my grandfather conquered Alkalawa, a town in Sokoto province, during the last century” Sir Ahmadu Bello gave an interview to the DAILY TIMES of May 3, 1961

“We do not want, Sir, our Southern Neighbours to interfere in our development… I should like to make it clear to you that if the British quitted Nigeria now at this stage, the Northern people would continue their interrupted conquest to the sea” – Mallam Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, 1947, During the Inauguration of the Richard’s Constitution. (Quoted by Frederick Forsythe in his book, Biafra)

Northern House Of Assembly Proceedings, February-March 1964

Below is an extract from the proceedings of the Northern Region House of Assembly between February and March 1964, less than four years after Nigeria’s independence from the British. I have nothing to add. Read and judge for yourself:

Mallam Muhammadu Mustapha Mande Gyan:
On the allocation of plots to Ibos or allocation of stalls, I would like to advise the Minister that these people know how to make money, and we do not know the way and manner of getting about this business. We do not want Ibos to be allocated with plots. I do not want them to be given plots…

Mallam Bashari Umaru:
I would like (you), as a Minister of Land and Survey, to revoke forthwith all Certificates of Occupancy from the hands of the Ibos resident in the Region… (Applause)

Mr. A. A. Agogede:
I’m very glad that we are in a Moslem country, and the government of Northern Nigeria allowed some few Christians in the region to enjoy themselves according to the belief of their religion, but building of hotels should be taken away from the Igbos, and even if we find some Christians who are interested in building hotels and do not have money to do so, the government should aid them, instead of allowing Ibos to continue with their hotels.

Dr. Iya Abubakar (Special Member, Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria):
I am one of the strong believers in Nigerian unity, and I have hoped for our having a united Nigeria, but certainly if the present state of affairs continues, I hope the government will investigate first the desirability and secondly the possibility of extending Northernisation policy to the petty traders. (Applause)

Mallam Mukhtar Bello:
I would like to say something very important, that the Minister should take my appeal to the Federal Government about the Igbos in the post office. I wish the numbers of these Igbos be reduced…. There are too many of them in the North. They are like sardines and 1 think they are just too dangerous to the Region.

Mallam Ibrahim Musa:
Mr. Chairman, Sir. Well first and foremost, what I have to say before this Hon. House is that we should send a delegation to meet our Hon. Premier to move a motion in this very Budget Session that all the Ibos working in the Civil Service of Northern Nigeria, including the native authorities, whether they are contractors or not, should be repatriated at once…

Mallam Bashari Umaru:
There should be no contracts either from the government, native authorities, or private enterprises given to Ibo contractors (Government Bench: Good talk and shouts of “Fire the Southerners”). Again, Mr. Chairman, the foreign firms too should be given time limit to replace all Ibo in their firms by some other people.

The Premier (Alhaji the Hon. Sir Ahmadu Bello, K.B.E., Sardauna of Sokoto):
It is my most earnest desire that every post in the region, however small it is, be filled by a Northerner (Applause)

Alhaji Usman Liman:
What brought the Ibos into this region? They were here since the colonial days. Had it not been for the colonial rule, there would hardly have been any Ibo in this region. Now that there is no colonial rule, the Ibos should go back to their region. There should be no hesitation about the matter. Mr. Chairman, North is for Northerners, East for Easterners, West for Westerners, and the Federation is for us all. (Applause)

The Minister of Land and Survey (Alhaji the Hon. Ibrahim Musa Cashash, O.B.E.):
Mr. Chairman. Sir, I do not like to take up much of the time of this House in making explanations, but I would like to assure members that having heard their demands about Ibos holding land in Northern Nigeria, my ministry will do all it can to see that the demands of members are met. How to do this, when to do it, al1 these should not be disclosed. In due course, you will all see what will happen. (Applause)

Culled from M. O. Onyenakeya, Igbos in Nigerian Politics, pp.30-32

Chief Ladoke Akintola 1965 Campaign Speech (Part 3 of 3)

The second 50 years (1964-2014):

The foregoing precipitated all sorts of crises which eventually chrysalized into a military coup and 13 straight years of military rule (1966-1979).

The military rule continued uninterrupted for another 16 straight years (1983-1999)

During this period, as reported by Remi Oyeyemi (above), the structure of Nigeria was tweaked and tinkered with, to skew things more in favour of the north.

Please note: The South had 3 regions before the coup of 1966, to the north’s one. Western, Midwestern and Eastern Regions.

Aburi accord is as follows:

“Members agree that the legislative and executive authority of the Federal Military Government should remain in the Supreme Military Council, to which any decision affecting the whole country shall be referred for determination provided that where it is possible for a meeting to be held the matter requiring determination must be referred to military governors for their comment and concurrence.

Specifically, the council agreed that appointments to senior ranks in the police, diplomatic, and consular services as well as appointment to superscale posts in the federal civil service and the equivalent posts in the statutory corporation must be approved by the Supreme Military Council.
The regional members felt that all the decrees passed since January 15, 1966, and which detracted from previous powers and positions of regional governments, should be repealed if mutual confidence is to be restored.

The following are the delegates at the Aburi Conference:

Chairman of the Ghana National Liberation Council -Lt.-General J.A. Ankrah-Chairman
Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon– Head of State
Lt.-Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu – Governor Eastern State
Major Mobolaji Johnson – Governor Lagos State
Lt.-Col. Hassan Katsina – Governor Northern State
Lt.-Col. David Ejoor – Governor Mid-Western State
Commodore Joseph Edet Akinwale Wey – Governor Rivers State
Colonel Robert Adebayo – Governor Western State
Alhaji Kam Selem
Mr. T. Omo-Bare
Others as follows:

N. Akpan Secretary to the Military Governor-East
Alhaji Ali Akilu Secretary to the Military Governor-North
D. Lawani Under Secretary, Military Governor’s Office-Mid-West.
P. Odumosu Secretary to the Military Governor-West
S. Akenzua Permanent Under-Secretary-Federal Cabinet Office

In response to the accord, the federal government promulgated Decree No. 8, which was mainly an embodiment of the accord. The accord finally broke down because of differences of interpretation on both sides. This led to the outbreak of Nigerian Civil War.
PREAMBLE:The Fulani’s fear of Uthman Dan Fodio’s dream

Posted: March 28, 2010 – 01:00’s-fear-uthman-dan-fodio’s-dream

“The Hausa-Fulani has no ideals, no ambitions save such as sensual in character. He is a fatalist, spendthrift and a gambler. He is gravely immoral and is seriously diseased that he is a menace to any community to which he seeks to attach himself”- Lord Lugard in a Letter to his colleague, Walter H. Lang on September 25, 1918.

“Under the circumstances of what has been happening in Plateau State, some people just have to die……Any society that refuses to be just and fair shall become a jungle where only jungle justice shall operate……… Indeed, majority of our killings were carried out in areas where there was strong government presence.”

Mallam Sale Bayero, Fulani leader and secretary Sultan’s Farmer/Cattle Rearers Conflict Committee boasting as he justified the massacre of the Birom people while protesting the arrest of the Fulani murderers in Plateau State of Nigeria, quoted in THE SUN NEWS of Friday, March 12, 2010

Some time towards the middle of the second decade of the 1800s (1815 AD or thereabout), Uthman Dan Fodio was reported to have had a scary dream about his Sultanate empire that he had just built. This dream was said to have saddened him that the empire he had spilled so much blood to build would only lasted 200 years. As a courageous warrior that he was, Dan Fodio was reported to have summoned the will and interpret the dream to make this prediction about the future of his Empire.

According to informed sources as reported by Adewale Adeoye in The Nation of March 14, 2010, this fear of the realization of Dan Fodio’s dream was what informed the hurried movement of the Capital of Nigeria from Lagos to Abuja. The report said inter alia:

“The source hinted that in the 1970s, Northern leaders of Fulani extraction had met and resolved that the capital of Nigeria be moved from Lagos to Abuja, in anticipation of the prophecy of late Uthman Dan Fodio. He said the meeting was
propelled by the dream the then Sultan of Sokoto had that he saw his offsprings, in years to come, being requested to obtain visa permits before entering the Southern part of the country….”

There are a number of deductions that could be made from the above:

a) That the entire Nigeria was and is still regarded as part of the Sultanate Empire of Uthman Dan Fodio.
b) That this is why the Fulani have been exuding this arrogant attitude permeated with the “BORN TO RULE” mentality.
c) That this is why they have always ruled Nigeria as if we are in the middle ages and consider the wealth of Nigeria as theirs to dispense as they see fit.
d) That the recent liberation struggles in Birom, Niger Delta, and the rest of the South, west or east is being seen as the beginning of the end of the Sultanate Empire by the Fulani people
e) That the Fulani people have been scheming and preparing to get ready for when they would leave or be chased out of Nigeria.

It is this writer’s view that there is nothing wrong if the Fulani have to pull out of Nigeria to sustain and maintain the remnant of their Sultanate Empire. It would definitely serve all concerned very well. But this writer is not convinced that the Fulani would let go very easily, regardless of their palpitation about the dreams of Uthman Dan Fodio. They are going to fight hard. Anyone familiar with their trickery and how they subdued all the fledgling Hausa States one after the other, using Hausa masses against their kings would agree with this writer.

To this extent, I disagree with Lord Lugard that the Fulani (let us leave the Hausa ethnic nationality out for now), “has no ambition.” The Fulani has ambitions and great ones at that. The Fulani ambition is to always rule others whether they (Fulani) have the capacity to do so or not. The Fulani liked and still likes his empires, at least that of Uthman Dan Fodio had been in place before Lord Lugard ever was born.

It is this inherent ambition that forced the Fulani to develop the methodology to use religion to mobilize the Hausa critical mass against their own Hausa rulers and replaced them with blue-blooded turban-carrying Fulani rulers as Emirs across what used to be Hausa kingdoms. As time goes on, the Fulani sought ways to modernize its means of extending the frontiers of the Sultanate and refined its tool that was used against the Hausa Kingdoms in preparation for the conquest of the ethnic nationalities in Nigeria.

What the Fulani came up with was a different brand of what they did to the Hausa kings and empires. The Fulani concluded that because of cultural and religious factors, it would not be easy to use the critical mass of other ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to be able to supplant the leaders of these ethnic nationalities. So, the Fulani to sustain its ambition to rule and dominate, cultivated corrupt satellites in every ethnic nationality in Nigeria while politically annihilating the true leaders of other ethnic nationalities.

In 1957, during the heated battles for self government and independence, Sir Ahmadu Bello referred to Nigeria as “The mistake of 1914.” To correct this “mistake” a meticulous plan to dominate the future Nigerian Armed Forces was surreptitiously embarked upon while the British was helping out on the political front manufacturing Parliamentary seats for the North against the South of Nigeria. Thus, barely six months after independence, Sir Ahmadu Bello was able to say with confidence in the Daily Times of May 3, 1961, the following:

“I’m set and fully armed, to conquer the Action Group, AG, in the same ruthless manner as my grandfather conquered Alkalawa, a town in Sokoto province, during the last century.”

The writer would like readers to pay due attention to the words used by Sir. Bello, in this quote. He used the word “conquer” not negotiate. Ahmadu Bello executed this desired conquest of the West as he had planned. Though, it backfired temporarily as it consumed him a number of years later, but the Fulani sentries in the Caliphate Armed Forces euphemized as the Nigerian Armed Forces along with its surviving civilian wing have adopted Sir. Ahmadu Bello’s method of propping up political, economic and religious satellites in all ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to be able to maintain control from Abuja, Sokoto and or Gobir, the birthplace of Uthman Dan Fodio.

It would be alright, if the Fulani could live with others as others are willing and prepared to live with them in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa, at least. In Nigeria, there has been more than 100years of evidence that various ethnic Nationalities have accommodated, loved respected and cared for the Fulani in their midst. There are abundant evidence that the Fulani have been treated as fellow human beings and accorded the same rights that the host have always enjoyed.

But it is very unfortunate that the Fulani has not had the same “live and let live” approach to other ethnic Nationalities in Nigeria. The Fulani concept of living is that others have to die, so that the Fulani may live. As far as the Fulani are concerned, other peoples of other ethnic nationalities are second rate slaves to be used, dumped, maimed, raped or killed for the good of the Fulani man. The Fulani see Nigeria as his great grandfather’s inheritance to be toyed with as he wishes and as he wants. This attitude of Fulani makes him believe that he has to rule wherever he is, regardless of his comparative intelligence and capability to that of his host among other reasons.

Presenting a paper reviewing Paul M. Lewis’ book Ethnologue: Languages of the World, (16th Edition), to a study group in Philadelphia recently, Professor Wola Awoyale, a linguist at the University of Pennsylvania noted that the Fulani are recent immigrants in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Benin Republic, Guinea, Senegal, Niger, Mali and Sudan. The Fulani symbol is turban, flag, alukimba, mosque and book. The Fulani are “a very creative” people who are often very “tight-lipped, silent and secretive” in their approach. They are very “mistrusting, calculating and patient.”

The Fulani are described as “cold blooded and ideological.” They are “ascetic, reclusive and tough-minded.” The Fulani places premium on the role of the mosque in its culture and this is why in all of Nigeria, a Fulani would not be a part of Jamaa (the congregation) where another man of different ethnic stock is leading muslims in prayers.

The Fulani language Fulfude with its variations in Fulah, Pulaar and or Pular is very highly priced. It is their weapon to discuss in secrecy and manipulate and carry out their machinations. The Fulani will freely learn the languages of others as a means of infiltrating them for economic, political and religious advantages while rarely speaking Fulfulde in the presence of others.

In an interview by The Nation, of Baba Oluwide, a former economic consultant to the United Nations (UN), it was reported inter alia:

“To him,(Baba Oluwide) the frequent clashes ‘reflects a reawakening of consciousness among nationalities which territories were forcefully taken by the Fulani’ adding that it also ‘signifies the collapse of the Fulani Empire.’ He said the ‘main cause of the downfall of the Fulani Empire’ was the defect inherent in their political and social perspectives which he says celebrates lack of tolerance for diverse culture and a resentment of pluralism of ideas.”

This writer, in disagreeing with the interviewee, would not be so swift to sing the dirge of the Sokoto Caliphate or the Sultanate. While one may agree that there is “a reawakening of consciousness among nationalities which territories were forcefully taken by Fulani,” there is still the need for the ethnic Nationalities in Nigeria to remain vigilant. It is one’s view that the battle to overthrow the yoke of the Fulani political imperialism/neo-colonialism, economic exploitation and religious extremism is just about to begin.

While it may be true that the Fulani is being haunted by the dream of Uthman Dan Fodio and are making preparations for the D-Day when they would leave Nigeria or chased out, it would amount to political suicide for the oppressed and enslaved ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to go to sleep, waiting for the time when the Fulani would voluntarily leave Nigeria. There may be eventual negotiations, but this writer doubts it giving the characteristics of a Fulani man.

It is one’s view that freedom is not cheap and neither is it free. There is always a price to pay for one’s freedom. The Fulani is willing to loot, maim, and kill to hold on to its empire. This suggests that to take it from them, all the ethnic nationalities have to be prepared for every eventuality just in case words and negotiations would not solve the problem.

It would be recalled that the Fulani embarked on ethnic cleansing of the Jukun ethnic nationality in Taraba State in the 1990s. The Fulani are vociferously claiming the ownership of Idi-Araba and yelled “barao, barao, barao” meaning “thief, thief, thief” on the then Governor of Lagos State, Bola Tinubu in his own State. The Fulani started war on traditionalists in Shagamu in Ogun State over the celebration of Oro Festival. The Fulani have tried to reduce the Tiv’s population by extermination during the First Republic. The Fulani have tried to emasculate the Katafs in Kaduna before. The Fulani tried to cleanse Zakibiam of non-Fulani blood. The Fulani have been killing owners of the land in Iseyin and Shaki in Oyo State. Media reports noted that scores of owners of the lands in Oyo were left “dead, maimed or raped.” The Fulani are determined to wipe out the Birom people of Plateau from their ancestral lands. The Fulani has just recently killed a policeman in Ekiti State after wounding the owners of the land. The Fulani has an Emir of Ilorin, a Yoruba town. The Fulani is determined to have an Emir of Jos and possibly Enugu too, very soon

The Nation, in its report of March 14,2010 also noted the following:

“In many West African countries, clashes between nomadic Fulani and indigenous communities are well known underlining the fact that the challenge is a sub-regional phenomenon. In Cameroon, Ghana, Mali, Togo and Niger, frequent clashes between nomadic Fulani and land owners constitute a major security problem for national and regional governments. In the Chad basin, clashes between Fulani and Shua Arabs have led to thousands of deaths, reliable sources claim. Many of the clashes were between indigenous communities and Fulani herdsmen accused of trespassing on native lands and in many cases, attempting to take over the lands by force of arms.”

This shows that the Fulani has a character that is antithetical to the hopes and yearnings of other ethnic nationalities in Nigeria and around West African sub-continent. They are used to taking things that do not belong to them by force. Exploiting the oil of the Niger Delta in the way and manner it had been for this long is not out of character for the Fulani. Spending the national resources to which they contribute next to nothing like a drunken “gambler” is part of the Fulani nature. The Fulani has no capacity to be compassionate where his interests are at stake. Thus the murdering of a Ken Saro Wiwa here and a Dele Giwa there, or another Akaluka here and Oluwatosin there means nothing to the Fulani. It is just a way of life.

The essence of bringing this to the attention of the world, especially the ethnic nationalities in the bondage called Nigeria is to let them know what they are engaged with in the struggles to be free and have self determination. The Fulani is not prepared to negotiate if he is going to lose out. He will fight very ruthlessly.

The only language the Fulani understands is war and conquest. All you need to do is just listen to Mallam Sale Bayero in the quote above. Listen to the post-humous voice of Ahmadu Bello echoing from the grave as he uses the words “ruthless” and “conquer” in speaking about his supposed fellow countrymen. Listen to Mallam Bala Garuba in the West African Pilot newpaper speaking of “conquest” of his supposed countrymen. Listen to Mallam Falalu Bello (MD, Unity Bank of Nigeria) threatening “there will be no real peace in this country moving forward,” because he feels the Fulani has no control over the resources and means of others. Listen to Balarabe Musa making a case for permanent rulership of Nigeria by the Fulani. Listen to the Bala Usman of this world as to why no one of other ethnic nationality should be allowed to rule Nigeria. Listen to the silent yells of Maitama Sule making the same case. Yes, the nightmare of Dan Fodio’s dream may hang like a noose around the Fulani’s neck, but the Fulani would never give up without a fight.

The Hausa people are still wondering how they have become so slavish to the Fulani. They are still wondering how their very valuable heritage has been polluted and dumped for that of the Fulani settlers. The Hausa are still wondering how the great histories of their forefathers have been supplanted by that of the Fulani to whom they have shown great love and hospitality.

Every ethnic Nationality in Nigeria needs to be aware that the Hausa people are very confused right now. Some of their elites have been incorporated by the scheming and secretive Fulani. The Fulani are very few in numbers and they have brainwashed the Hausa people to believe that their (Hausa) destinies are tied together with that of the Fulani because of Islam. The Fulani use the Hausa numbers as a buffer to perpetrate Fulani evils in Hausa name. What they have done to Hausa people is to make them believe in the Fulani as the path finders for them (Hausa).

Now, it is the Hausa who is used to fight the Fulani fights and battles. This is what Sir. Ahmadu Bello, taking a page off the book of his Fulani great grand father, Uthman Dan Fodio, has also done with other minority groups in the North of Nigeria, using them as tools for the Fulani conquest of Nigeria. As pointed out above, this trick has been extended to all ethnic nationalities in Nigeria and as such one could find among them corrupt leaders who hold allegiance to the Sultanate rather than their peoples.

This writer has his doubts if the Hausa people would ever wake up. Even, if and when they wake up, the benefits of greed and the unabated appropriation of resources for which they have never labored out of the Niger Delta and other parts of Nigeria would still guarantee the Hausa – Fulani cooperation.

The minority ethnic nationalities in the North are waking up. They are realizing that they are slaves in their own lands. They are just realizing that they have been fighting the battles of Fulani to their own and their peoples’ detriment. They have just realized that cows are much more treasured by the Fulani than the Birom mothers, Tiv wives, Jukun sisters, Igala children, Nupe brothers and Kataf fathers.

The Fulani is a fiercely ambitious man, contrary to what Lord Lugard is trying to make us believe. The Fulani would plunder, loot, rape, maim and kill in pursuit of this ambition. The Fulani would take advantage of the weaknesses of his host and supplant him and appropriate his wealth and means. The Fulani for the last 200 hundred years has been at loggerhead with every known hospitable host of his, not just in Nigeria but in West African sub region. The Fulani ambitions are intolerant of the existence and well being of others. This is where one could agree with Lord Lugard – that the Fulani is “seriously diseased” and “a menace to any community to which he seeks to attach himself.”

The ethnic nationalities in all of Nigeria still stand a good chance to be free. That chance would fizzle and dissipate without standing firm, strong and willing to make the necessary sacrifice that would be required. It is time to repel the Fulani imperialism and or neo-colonialism. It is time to reclaim our freedom and rights. It is time to seek any means necessary to be free from the bondage called Nigeria. Cows could not, should not, would not and must not be more important than our daughters and sons, brothers and sisters as well as our mothers and fathers.


FACT, apart from Jonathan, No one has ever RULED NIGERIA if he is not military or LOYAL to Hausa-Fulani and Hands power back to them (eg GOWON who was overthrown, and OBJ who handed over to SHAGARI AND UMYA). No southern CIVILIAN HAS EVER RULED Nigeria (Abiola would have been the first but he was murdered). AND NOTE: No coup by a non HAUSAFULANI has ever succeed without being quashed….ALL COUPS by HAUSA FULANI have ALWAYS succeeded…for lenghty years.

EXCERPTS FROM HAROLD SMITH’S CONFESSIONS: ”The north was seriously encouraged to go into the military. According to him, they believe that the south may attend western education, but future leaders will always come from military background. Their traditional rulers were to be made influential and super human. The northerners were given accelerated promotions both in the military and civil service to justify their superiority over the south. Everything was to work against the south”….

Alhaji Lawal Kaita a prominent member of the ACF did make the following statement in October of 2010; “anything short of a Northern President is tantamount to stealing our presidency. Jonathan has to go and he will go. Even if he uses incumbency powers to get his nomination on the platform of the PDP, he will be frustrated out” “The North is determined, if that happens, to make the country ungovernable for President Jonathan or any other Southerner who finds his way to the seat of power on the platform of the PDP against the principle of the party’s zoning policy.

A Northerner Must Emerge in 2015 Or Nigeria Will Divide- Lawal Kaita

Dissidents in parts of Northern Nigeria protest Jonathan candidature January 17, 2011

The long years of brainwashed/hypnotic upbringing the northern rabble have been exposed to, is another factor. They are used as human shields in their free-floating paranoia. Some of the Hausa Fulani elites may also be wary of Almajiris growing up from one of the new schools built by Jonathan, educated and fit for a new stratum of middlemanship. The Talakawa-Sarakuma social stratification system has really been the bane of socioeconomic development in the north…


1. December 18th-20th 1980_ Kano, Kano State_ Islamic Revivalists (Maitatsine group) attacked Christians and burnt churches; over 4,000 Christians were killed and their properties worth millions of naira lost.

2. October 25th-30th 1982_ Kaduna, Kaduna State_ another Maitatsine riot; over 50 Christians estimated dead.

3. October 30th 1982_Kano, Kano State (Sabon Gari Municipality)_2 Churches burnt to ashes, 6 more destroyed.

4. December 26th-29th 1982_Maiduguri, Borno State_Maitatsine riot: over 100 Christians lost their lives and properties destroyed.

5. February 15th -2nd March 1984_ The Gongola State (Jimeta-Yola) _ The Maitatsine group attacked Christians; over 500 Christians were killed.

6. April 23rd-28th 1985_Then Bauchi State (Gombe)_Maitatsine uprising: more than 100 Christians lost their lives.

7. March 6th-12th 1987_ Kaduna State (Kafanchan, Kaduna, Zaria) & Katsina in Katsina State_ Muslim students attacked Christian students at College of Education in Kafanchan and Christians fought back. The fight later spread to other places as indicated here under location. More than 150 churches were burnt and over 25 Christians killed.

8. March 1988_Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna_ Kaduna State Government destroyed a Christian Chapel under construction. This led to religious uprising.

9. 1988_Kaduna State (ABU University Zaria)_Benson Omenka, final year student, killed by Muslim students during Students Union election. Christian students were also stoned, maimed and raped.

10. 1988_Bauchi State, Gombe_Religious in Bauchi State Secondary Schools, Muslim students attacked Christian Teachers and students in GSS Gombe, GTC Gombe and GSS Bauchi and other Secondary Schools in Bauchi State. Some of the Christian students were badly wounded.

11. April 20th-23rd 1991_Bauchi State, Bauchi_Fighting between Muslims and Christians; more than 200 people lost their lives and 700 churches and mosques were burnt.

12. October 14th-16th 1991_Kano State, Kano_The Reinhard Bonnke riots fighting between Muslims and Christians as Muslim activists rampaged and protested against a planned revival meeting during which a German Evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke, was expected to be the guest preacher.

13. October 1991_Plateau State_A young man from Anaguta was beaten to death on a field opposite University of Jos during election primaries of the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP).

14. February 1992_Kano State_Many Christians were massacred and churches destroyed.

15. February 1992_Plateau State, Jos_A young Christian, married with one child, was beaten to death by Muslims as he was going home from an evening church meeting, at Yan Taya junction, Jos.

16. April 15th-16th 1992_Kaduna state, Zangon Kataf local Government Area_What was supposed to be a communal riot between Christians and Muslims and spread throughout Kaduna State. Hundreds of people lost their lives and buildings were burnt.

17. May 18th 1992_Kaduna, Zaria_Rev. Tacio Duniya of E.C.W.A, Rev. Musa Bakut and a host of others were murdered by Muslim fanatics.

18. April 12th 1994_Plateau State, Jos_Fighting between Muslims and Christians over the appointment of one Aminu Mato as chairman of the Caretaker Committee for Jos Local Government Area. 16 lives were lost and properties were destroyed.

19. 1999_Borno State_Religious riots as Borno State government mooted the idea of not allowing the teaching of Christian Religious Knowledge in Schools.

20. February 4th -22nd 2000_Kaduna State_Riots began after a Christian march opposing the implementation of Sharia law. Travellers were killed as they tried to escape from their vehicles. More than 1,000 people died in various clashes.

21. February. & May 2000_Kaduna State, Kaduna_Christians in Kaduna were attacked on two different occasions as Muslim fanatics protested against the delay in introduction of sharia in the state.

22. May 16th 2000_Kaduna_ Muslim youths destroyed ECWA in Kaduna only hours after peacekeeping troops left the area.

23. May 22nd 2000_Kaduna state_ Muslim youths torched the First Baptist Church and Christian homes, leading to retaliation by Christian youths. At least 11 people died and many others were injured in the incident.

24. May 25th 2000_Kaduna state_ Several days of violence over the introduction of Sharia led to the death of at least 150 people. Homes, shops and churches were also destroyed.
25. September 7th-9th, 2000_Gombe State_In Bambam, 25 people died as a result of clashes between Muslims and Christians due to possible implementation of Sharia. Property damaged was estimated in millions of Naira.

26. November 2000_ Kebbi State_Christians showing the Jesus film were warned not to continue showing the film.

27. June 2001_Jigawa State_15 churches and 14 Pastors’ residences were burned down in Gawaram. A similar attack on 11 churches occurred earlier in that year in hadejia.

28. 5th August 2001_Bauchi State_According to the Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN), Muslim mercenaries had been attacking Christians in the Tafawa Balewa and Bogoro areas on two occasions. The attacks left more than 100 dead and 3,000 refugees.

29. 7th-12th September 2001_Plateau State, Jos_Muslims attacked Christians. Properties were destroyed and people lost their lives.

30. September 7th-17th 2001_Kano State_Seven churches were demolished; six churches set ablaze by a mob. Fifty four churches given demolition notices and seventeen churches demolished by the Kano state government. The Governor stated that all churches in Shagari quarters of kano city were “illegal structures”, probably due to the religious conflict in Jos.

31. October 7th 2001_Kaduna State_Muslim youths attacked three churches and 10 Christian-owned shops with gas bombs, setting fire to the buildings.

32. October 14th-18th 2001_Kano State_As a result of Anti-American protests, 600 Christians were missing and another 350 were killed; at least five churches were burned during the resulting riots.

33. December 24th-25th 2001_Gombe State_A visit to Gombe State by the Israeli ambassador sparked a riot, at least 4 people were killed, 50 injured, and two churches damaged.

34. 2nd May 2002_Plateau State, Jos_Muslims attacked Christians. Properties were destroyed and people lost their lives.

35. May 2002_Zamfara State_The whereabouts of two Christians charged with apostasy, converting from Islam to Christianity, was unknown. Lawali Yakubu and Ali jafaru disappeared after a judge refused to sentence them to death.

36. May-June 2002_Niger State_At least 75 Christians were arrested for opposing the state’s Sharia law.

37. June 6th 2002_Katsina State_A Christian Police Officer in Katsina was clubbed to death by a mob of Muslims after being accused of trampling a Koran. The Police Officer had warned a Muslim preacher to stop inciting violence against Christians. Afraid of being arrested, the preacher fabricated the Koran story to provoke the crowd.

38. September, 2002_Kaduna State, Federal Government College Zaria_Muslim students fought against Christian students discovered tha a Christian was likely to win the position of Students Union President during a student election. Many were killed and several female students raped.

39. October 13th 2002_Kaduna, Zaria_A clash over a student election at the Federal College of Education in Zaria ended in the death of 20 Christian students.

40. November 20th-21st 2002_Kaduna State, Kadoka and Kano_Muslim mobs ransacked Thisday Newspaper’s Office and then began to attack Christian targets, damaging up to 20 churches. Over 200 people were killed and 1,200 injured in the attacks.

41. December 26th, 2002_Bauchi State_An armed Muslim mob attacked Christians concluding Christmas celebration. The Celestial Church of Christ and many Christian homes were burnt.
42. April 22nd 2003_Kano State_A pastor and 6 of his members were killed in a house fire which was believed to have been set by Muslim militants.

43. December, 2003_Plateau State, Rim_Christians killed, houses and churches destroyed, individuals injured and many other damages.

44. February 2004_Plateau State, Yelwa Shendam_47 Christians burnt in church with a lot of houses and properties destroyed.

45. April 2004_Kano State_Reprisal of Jos crisis: many Christians killed, houses and properties lost.
46. February 18th 2006_Maiduguri_56 churches burnt and 63 Christians killed in an orchestrated attack.

47. September 2006_Jigawa State_26 churches burnt.

48. September 28th 2007_Kano State, Tudun Wada_3 killed, 72 injured, 8 churches burnt.

49. December 2007_Bauchi, Yelwa_Ten Christians killed and 47 injured.

50. May 13th 2008_Bauchi State, Ningi, Tafawa Balewa_Six churches burnt and vandalized.

51. November 28th 2008_Plateau State_Over 100 Christians killed, 71 churches burnt, 1,647 families lost their homes, 535 businesses burnt.

52. December 2008_Sokoto_NCCF (NYSC) bus burnt.

53. February 21st 2009_Bauchi_19 people dead, 12 churches burnt, 50 Christian houses destroyed.

54. 29th July 2009_Borno, Bauchi and Adamawa States_A group called Boko Haram killed Christians who refused to accept Islam, burnt their churches and attacked security operatives.

55. 27th December 2009_Plateau State_Muslims burnt Baptist Church at Yelwa and stabbed some Christians on the streets of Jos.

56. 29th December 2009_Bauchi_A group called Kalikato attacked people in Bauchi, leaving 39 people dead and houses burnt.

57. 17th 21 January 2010_Plateau State_Muslims unleash destruction over 24 communities in Jos North, Jos South, Barkin ladi, Mangu, Pankshin and Dangi, claiming numerous lives and burning Christian homes and Churches including Bukuru Market.

58. 20th January 2010_Sokoto state_A Christian man was killed in retaliation over the incidence in Jos.

59. 22nd January 2010_Kaduna Sate_Muslims attack Christians at Mararraban Rido (close to NNPC depot).

60. 28th January-1st February 2010_Gombe State_Muslims burnt ECWA primary and secondary schools at Bolori, burnt houses belonging to Igbos at Duku, burnt Yoruba Hall at Jekadafari and also burnt two churches with one vandalized.

“There are people in power in certain parts of the country, leaders, who quite genuinely and authoritatively hate and cannot tolerate any religion outside their own,”

“When you combine that with the ambitions of a number of people who believe they are divinely endowed to rule the country and who… believe that their religion is
above whatever else binds the entire nation together, and somehow the power appears to slip from their hands, then they resort to the most extreme measures.

“Youths who have been indoctrinated right from infancy can be used, and who have been used, again and again to create mayhem in the country”

“Those who have created this faceless army have lost control.”

          -Professor Wole Soyinka


“Anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan repayable one day no matter how long it takes.” – Nasir Ahmad El Rufai.

1. 33 feared dead as herdsmen, farmers clash in Benue 30th, 2013
2. Fulani herdsmen ravage Imo communities August 15th, 2013
3. Over 40 Killed in Renewed Nasarawa Attack, Articles | THISDAY LIVE June 7th, 2013
4. Villagers flee as Fulani herdsmen invade Plateau community June 3rd, 2013
5. Herdsmen massacre 17, several hundreds flee homes in Benue June 1st. 2013
6. Fulani/farmers clashes claim 300 lives in 5 months May 26th, 2013
7. Fulani herdsmen strike again, kill two, kidnap others in Benue May 25th, 2013
8. Gov. Gabriel Suswam of Benue on Wednesday alleged that some Fulani herdsmen attacked Agatu Local Government Area of the state, leaving “high casualties including women and children’’ . May 8th, 2013
9. Over 100 women, children and farmers killed in renewed Tiv/Fulani bloodbath
10. Fulani herdsmen sack Imo community April 23rd, 2013
11. 10 killed in Delta as villagers, herdsmen clash April 15th, 2013
12. Horror: Fulani herdsmen murder, rape and destroy Ohaji/Egbema community April 15th, 2013
13. Three killed, houses burnt as Fulani herdsmen attack Tiv farmers April 9th, 2013
14. 5 killed in renewed Tiv/Fulani crisis March 24th, 2013
15. 35 reported dead as Herdsmen Clash in Plateau State….March 21st, 2013
16. Over 100 Beroms Killed By Fulani Militias – Lg Boss | 247 Nigeria March 21st, 2013
17. Hundreds Flee As Clash Between Herdsmen And Community Kills 2 In Delta 21 Feb, 2013
18. 30 killed, scores injured in Fulani herdsmen, Eggon farmers clash 08 Feb, 2013
19. Two die, thousands displaced as Fulani, Gwari clash in Abuja Date Published 30 Dec, 2012
20. Save us from Fulani herdsmen, farmers plead Date Published 02 Dec, 2012
21. Plateau: Gunmen shoot 12 Fulani herdsmen, kill 12 cows Date Published 21 Nov, 2012
22. Fulani Herdsmen Rapé Newlywed In Ogun Date Published 21 Nov, 2012
23. Flash: 3 Dead As Hersdmen, Farmers Clash In Nasarawa Published 19 Oct, 2012
24. 30 feared dead in renewed Fulani/Tiv attack Date Published 17 Oct, 2012
25. How I was almost killed by Fulani herdsmen – Motorcyclist Published 16 Oct, 2012
26. 2 killed in reprisal attack by Fulani in Plateau Published 24 Aug, 2012
27. Fear grips Enugu community as Fulani herdsmen kill 2 teenagers Date Published 18 Aug, 2012
28. Police arrests herdsmen with sub-machine guns DATE PUBLISHED: 03/08/2012
29. Suspected Fulani herdsmen kill serving senator, state legislator in Plateau Date Published 08 July, 2012
30. Fulani herdsmen attack 9 villages in Plateau state Date Published 07 July, 2012
31. Oyo to prevent recurrence of Fulani herdsmen, farmers’ clash Date Published 29 June, 2012
32. Taraba: 13 fulani herdsmen killed in fresh tribal attacks Date Published 12 June, 2012
33. ‘Fulani herdsmen kill 75 Tiv farmers’‘fulani-herdsmen-kill-75-tiv-farmers’.html Date Published 22 May, 2012
34. THE MENACE OF FULANI HERDSMEN Date Published 14 May, 2012
35. Potiskum attack: Fulani herdsmen give Jonathan ultimatum Date Published 07 May, 2012
36. Thousands of Fulani herdsmen flee Benue for C’river Date Published 28 May, 2012
37. Influx of Fulani herdsmen worries C’ River Date Published 28 May, 2012
38. C’River to ‘repatriate’ Fulani herdsmen Date Published 29 May, 2012
39. Plateau State: Herdsmen slaughter family of 7 Date Published 11 May, 2012
40. Fulani Herdsmen Kill 13, Destroy 30 Houses In Plateau Date Published 03 May, 2012
41. Herdsmen block Abuja-Jos road, waylay passengers Date Published 07 May, 2012
42. One Killed, Several Injured in Fulani-Hausa Clash In Sokoto Date Published 04 April, 2012
43. Ogun pledges grazing routes, patrols to curb herdsmen’s atrocities Date Published 26 March, 2012
44. Suspected Fulani herdsmen kill two policemen in Plateau state Date Published 21 March, 2012
45. Delta villagers protest attacks by Fulani herdsmen Date Published 07 March, 2012
46. M-A-S-S-A-C-R-E-! Fulani herdsmen, Boko Haram kill 39 •13 villages sacked in Benue–fulani-herdsmen-boko-haram-kill-39-13-villages-sacked-in-benue-20-feared-dead-on-akure-ilesa-expressway Date Published 06 March, 2012
47. Fulani Herdsmen Vs Ogun State Villagers At War Date Published 29 February, 2012
48. 5000 Flee As Fulani Herdsmen Attack Benue And Nassarawa Date Published 01 December, 2011
49. Herdsmen Kill 2, Molest Women In Imo Date Published 12 July, 2011
50. Family of 8 killed in Jos midnight attack Date Published 05 September, 2011
51. Fulani Herdsmen And Hausa Traders Clash At Golbin Boka Date Published 21 September, 2011
52. Birom People’s Reprisal Attacks Published 29 September, 2011
53. Fulani Herdsmen kill 6 people in Plateau State Date Published 27 October, 2010
54. Herdsmen strike in Ekiti, kill police corporal, two villagers wounded Date Published 21 March, 2010
56. How Buhari Confronted Lam Adesina Over Death of Fulani


*They Move Around Under the cover of darkness in the North East

*They wear our own Army and other military uniforms

*They bomb communication masts to reduce contact from whistle-blowers and victims alike

*They extort money and loyalty from communities they operate from, refusal may lead to beheading and murder

*They Shoot Civilians and bomb/burn buildings in their way when escaping from Superior firepower from the REAL NIGERIAN MILITARY

*They adopt the Quran as superior over the Nigerian constitution

*They are given moral and psychological support by the seeming indifference of notable, influential and significant people in the north (and even on social media)

*They franchise their activities with their kith and kin in the Sahel (Sahara)

*They have informants within our security system (Nigeria’s military said recently it had arrested a number of security personnel over links to Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, whose insurgency has killed hundreds of people.

The arrests came after soldiers from a special military unit deployed in the northeastern city of Maiduguri arrested an immigration officer, Grema Mohammed, for allegedly being an active member of Boko Haram, a military spokesman said.

Boko Haram is blamed for deadly attacks that have killed more than 1,400 people since 2010 as part of an insurgency in northern and central Nigeria.

The arrest “led to further arrests of some other security personnel that had been participating in various terrorist attacks in Borno and Yobe states,” Lieutenant Colonel Sagir Musa said of the two states in northeastern Nigeria, where Boko Haram has been based…

*They use yam sellers, and other errand people for reconnaissance (spying on targets)

*They are promised 72 virgins (

*They recruit from amongst the poor and downtrodden in the north who have been neglected and brainwashed by their elders for decades while the elders kids enjoy the good life abroad

*Theý LIE that they are operating within ISLAMIC INJUNCTIONS when the QU’RAN and PROPHET MOHAMMED (SAW) does NOT SUPPORT their madness:

CHRISTIANS are Bombing the Churches in the North – El-Rufai.(

We Only Bomb Churches Not Mosques Says Boko Haram

1. “Convert to Islam or no dialogue” Boko Haram tells Jonathan DATE 27/01/2012

2. Christians MUST CONVERT to ISLAM Date 18/06/2012

What does the Qur’an have to say about this:

Allah Most Exalted says;

“.. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful. And whoever does that in aggression and injustice – then We will drive him into a Fire. And that, for Allah , is [always] easy.” [Qur’an 4:29 – 4:30]

Those misguided individuals, who kill innocent people in the name of Islam, are NOT representatives of the faith they claim to uphold and defend and if they do not repent they will dwell in hell forever.

And so, instead of the Qur’an granting them any kind of reward to those who kill themselves and others, for whatever purpose, the Qur’an clearly states that anyone who commit acts such as suicide will be forever burned in HELL.

Also in the Quran 109:6 Allah said to prophet Muhammed SAW. Tell the unbelievers they should hold there own religion and you should hold yours

Single Term: North Moves Against Jonathan
”When OBJ was sworn in 1999, he met 35 Perm Secs, 26 of them were from the North”

North ready for Nigeria’s breakup–Junaid Mohammed

By Lugards 1914 Amalgamation Document, Any Region Can Secede in 2014-Shuluwa Date Published: 29/11/2012

Lord Lugard Created Nigeria to Last for 100 Years Only-IBB

2015 may be Nigeria’s last election –Junaid Mohammed March 17, 2013

‘What Is Happening in Northern Nigeria Is Ethnic and Religious Cleansing’ – Italian Minister

SSS confirms Exclusive, Accuses Politicians of bombing
The Nigeria State Security Services, SSS, has finally confirmed that politicians who lost out during the last general Elections were responsible for the spate of Bombings in Nigeria, confirming an earlier exclusive published by on September 2010.

Spokesperson of the Security Agency, Merylyn Ogar said on a Television program monitored in Nigeria that past political leaders are deliberately undermining the Federal Government.

According to her, “They believe they should be in power and once they are not there, then they would have to discredit the government,” adding, by the time the Service reveals their identities, Nigerians would be surprised…NOW WATCH HAROLD SMITH’s confession on the FRAUD that is NIGERIA (INCLUDING BOKO HARMERS)


”Whatever happens in the North is our own doing – Sultan of Sokoto
Respected Islamic cleric and Sultan of Sokoto Dr. Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar III has said that the present insecurity and other associated challenges tearing the northern region apart were caused by the region itself.

The traditional ruler said this while speaking in Kaduna at a meeting of the Northern Governors Peace and Reconciliation Committee. He noted that the problem of the north will remain the problem of the entire country, since the north could not be left with its problems alone”.

Northern Leaders Looked Sideways When B’Haram Members Were Being Trained By Al-Qaeda, Says Emir Who Opposes Amnesty

Jonathan Has Failed in Securing Nigeria so Power Must Return to North-Atiku, Bugaje – Naija Pundit

A Northerner Must Emerge in 2015 Or Nigeria Will Divide- Lawal Kaita

Arewa youths oppose elders over 2015 presidency 11/12/2012

“We all talk about Jonathan. He is not responsible for our ill luck. These problems have been building up for decades and are the results of the activities of previous governments. Jonathan is not a magician, the problems that have built up over four decades, you wouldn’t expect Jonathan to come up and solve them all. And Nigerians are not giving him the opportunity to have the peace of mind to deal with the problems. During election, certain people said they were going to make the country ungovernable for him. Is the country governable now?” – Dr Frederick Fasheun, founder of Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC)

“They Tricked us Into Fighting Igbos During Civil War” – Middle Belt Group Says They Are Not Part of Northern Nigeria

Northern politicians created Boko Haram – Mustapha Jokolo, former Emir of Gwandu – Says North should forget about the presidency in 2015

WORDS ON MARBLE: “Since the leaders now don’t listen to anybody but do whatever they wish, there is nothing the north can do.” – Rtd Gen Buhari MAY 2012

2015: North will mobilise against Jonathan

Arewa Elder To Jonathan – Say You Won’t Contest in 2015 – Naija Pundit – August 2012

There Will Be Bloodshed In 2015 – Gen. Muhammadu Buhari’s-prediction-bloodshed-2015-and-comments-boko-haram-sad-and-unfortunate-preside

Buhari has taken the Hausas hostage – Lamido–lamido 13/06/ 2012

“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.” -Leo Tolstoy

My suggestions for Nigeria’s National Conference:

FIRST AND FOREMOST, A proper headcount with biometric and satellite technology to undo the fraudulent past census.

1. Contract the 36 states into SIX (6) REGIONS with self-funding management systems.
Every State in Nigeria has things to bring to the table in Abuja. 30% Derivation to the centre, and 70% to the regions. All former states become PROVINCES and LGAs remain as they are.

2. Go back to pre-1966 Parliamentary system of government with one premier per region (6 premiers) or adopt a modified-presidential system of govt with 6 Vice Presidents (one per region)

3. Digitalize all civil service operations and prune down the waste in number of government workers in the federal and regional parastatals. The USA has about 300,000,000 citizens and just 800,000+ federal workers. The US also has 18 items on its exclusive list while Nigeria has a whopping 68 items on its exclusive list, thus the centre siphons most of the funds meant for regional development

4. Remove ”state of origin” from our national psyche

5. Ensure secularity of the Nigerian nation-state. No sharia ANYWHERE in Nigeria

6. Elections should be held once in 5 years for Prime Minister or President and Regional premiers or governors

7. All criminal laws must be tweaked to allow for heavier punishment on corruption in virtually every facet of our lives

With the above in place, I believe Nigeria will be reset on a greater path to growth and development..

Henry Omoregie

All other suggestions are welcome

PS: Regions can determine how they need to run themselves politically. But Sharia will be impossible because there are Christians in virtually every state in Nigeria. It would be disservice to them to sharia-lize any region. Do not forget 1. Regions are not states as they are larger, and 2. Pre-1966 coup there was no Sharia in the north. Ahmadu Bello even established BREWERIES in the North! As per military and police, I believe there should be regional police but the military should be no go areas.

Confab: We won’t accept no-go areas – Afenifere, Ohanaeze, others

The pan-Yoruba group, Afenifere, and its Igbo counterpart, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, have said they will reject any move to limit discussions at the national dialogue being planned by President Goodluck Jonathan.

Afenifere, which spoke through its Secretary, Chief Seinde Arogbofa, in an interview with one of our correspondents in Akure on Thursday, said that the proposed national dialogue should not have no-go areas.

Also, the Secretary General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Dr. Joe Nwaorgu, told Saturday PUNCH on the telephone on Thursday that the dialogue should be frank and blunt, adding that all national issues should be discussed.

The Afenifere secretary explained why the group was insisting on a sovereign national conference.

He said that it was necessary that the conference was designated as sovereign so that the outcome could be taken seriously.

“The sovereignty we are talking about is to ensure that the discussions are taken seriously. It is to make sure that what the people arrive at is taken seriously by the government,” Arogbofa added.

According to him, government appointees should not participate in the discussion.

He said ethnic and social- cultural associations as well as other pressure groups should take part in the conference.

Arogbofa added that bodies such as the Nigeria Labour Congress; the Academic Staff Union of Universities and civil societies should be invited to the national dialogue.

He said, “There should be nothing like ‘no-go-areas.’ Nigerians should be free to discuss all the issues of contention so that they can find ways of living together as one people.

“We also believe that the legislature should be represented. The government should not participate. The government is not the people.”

According to him, political parties are also essential groups within the polity and therefore should also have representatives at the conference.

On the mode of election or selection of the representatives, he said, “One person should represent each group. Bigger groups should get two representatives each to ensure balance.”

According to him, the Itshekiri tribe is a smaller unit when compared with the Yoruba and so while the smaller units should get a representative, the bigger units should get two.

Also, Ohanaeze Ndigbo said, “Nothing should be sacrosanct. All cards are open. It should be such that any group should be free to say, ‘I don’t want to stay and their position will be respected.”

The Ohanaeze Ndigbo secretary general said that all the six geo-political zones in the country should be represented at the conference.

He said, “The zones should meet and articulate their positions based on the ethnic nationalities in the zones. The South -West has the Yoruba ethnic nationality. The South- South knows its ethnic nationalities. The South -East is made up of the Igbo while the Hausa and Fulani are the dominant ethnic nationalities in the North- West.

“From the North- East, the Kanuri and all the smaller ethnic nationalities should come. It should be the same thing with the North-Central zone.

“The dialogue should be based on the ethnic nationalities that the white man met in 1900 before the amalgamation,” he said.

The Ohanaeze secretary said representation should be determined by the ethnic nationalities, not by selection or appointment by the President or government. “The President’s hand must be cleared of this,” he said.

Nwaorgu further said that the number of people representing a zone or ethnic nationality should not matter. “What should matter is the quality representation and whether the representatives are speaking the mind of the group they represent or not.

“We are not dividing money there. We are talking for the betterment of Nigeria, so far as they are speaking the mind of their people,” he said.

On its part, the Niger Delta Youth Parliament has said that the selection of representatives for the dialogue should not be done by governors of politicians.

The NDYP National Coordinator, Mr. Imoh Okoko, said Nigerians should rather be allowed to select those that would speak for them at the conference, adding that governors and other politicians should not be allowed to meddle in the exercise.

Okoko also expressed the need to select some youth leaders from various ethnic groups to be part of the discussants during the proposed conference.

He said, “The governors have always had their way in the selection of those to represent Nigeria in the past and at the end, nothing much came out of it. So, politicians, especially the governors, should not select representatives for us.

“Nigerians can pick those to represent them at the National Conference. The youths should be involved. They should be allowed to say their minds on the way forward for the country.

“Apart from that, traditional rulers know the line of thought of their people. Therefore, their presence will be important during the National Dialogue. I am surprised that the Federal Government did not consider the youths to be part of the committee on the National Conference.”

Okoko, however, maintained that issues bordering on resource control, effective implementation of the Local Content Law, local government autonomy, true federalism and genuine population census should be discussed.

But the National Coordinator, Coalition of Northern Politicians, Academics, Professionals and Businessmen, Dr. Junaid Mohammed, has said the National Assembly should be allowed to drive the proposed National Conference.

Mohammed said this in a telephone interview with Saturday PUNCH, in Abuja, on Thursday.

He argued that members of the National Assembly, who are the elected representatives of the people, should be allowed to drive the process on the basis of the fact that they were elected by the people.

The physician turned politician noted that the National Assembly would be rendered redundant if those clamouring for a Sovereign National Conference had their way.

He said, “The National Assembly should lead the discussions so that Nigerians will know that we are dealing with the people who are our representatives.”

According to him, those proposing that the conference should be based on ethnic nationalities cannot tell with certainty how many such nationalities exist in Nigeria and where they are located.

He said, “What will be the basis of representation in the so- called Sovereign National Conference?”

He expressed doubts about the motive behind the proposed conference, adding that it was becoming clear that even those championing the call for convening the conference were yet to do their homework.

He said, “Each time we talk about this kind of conference it looks like exercises in fraud.

“Now, he (President Jonathan) has appointed a chairman and a secretary two days after he appointed 15 other people.”

Junaid warned that the National Assembly stood the risk of becoming redundant should the sovereign national conference proposal sail through.

He said the conference should provide answers to the challenges of poverty, illiteracy, insecurity, corruption and inadequate health facilities among other social infrastructural decay.

“Talking about no-go areas is neither here nor there. Nobody knows what the agenda of the President is, they are determined to force an agenda on us; let them tell us what they want to do then we can set parameters.

“In any case, Nigeria is still one country today because a majority of Nigerians want it to remain so, if Nigerians decide not to remain as one united country, no amount of no-go areas can force Nigeria to remain as one.”

Enyeribe Chikodi Azubuike POSTED: ”After going through some sections of the constitution of USA, I was dumbfounded when I saw that after 200 years, it’s still boldly written that any American states have the right to secede if they choose to. Surprisingly, no American state has ever asked for secession even with this secession right their constitution accords them.

Why? Because all American states feel protected and fulfilled under the country called United States of America (USA). After independence, it became obvious to Indians that they had so much that divided them than what united them. Thus, India broke up into Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. Many countries followed India’s footstep after independence. Recently, Scotland demanded to opt-out of United Kingdom (UK). Their demand was gladly received and UK authority promised to test it through referendum come next year.

In Nigeria, our Hausa/Fulani military imposed constitution sees secessionist movement as an act of treasonable felony. Thus, freedom fighter like Ken Sarowiwa of Ogoni land was hanged by Gen. Sani Abacha. What did Sarowiwa do? He led a group called Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP). Also, Raph Uwazuruike has been imprisoned several times for leading a group called Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB).

For 53 years, Nigerians have been battling to live together but it’s obvious that it has not worked but a given section of the country (Hausa/Fulani) wants us to continue living together because they are benefitting with terms like quota system, federal character, educationally advantaged/disadvantaged states, dubious census figure, fraudulent federal system of government at the excruciating expense of others. Do you know that all the 36 states in Nigeria were created by northerners? Tell me the state a southerner created.

This is why Kano alone has 44 local government areas and Katsina 34. To maintain the status quo, they (Hausa/Fulani) must either be in charge of Aso Rock or dictate who rules Nigeria. Otherwise, the country must be made ungovernable for the president. This is just the reason behind the emergence of boko haram. Unfortunately, when a man tells his child to feign madness and attack people, little would the man know that the madness might turn real one day and the man will become a victim of the child’s madness. Tell me the country where peace has ever existed in the face of injustice. You don’t beat a child and order the child not to cry”.

FACT, apart from Jonathan, No one has ever RULED NIGERIA if he is not military or LOYAL to Hausa-Fulani and Hands power back to them (eg GOWON who was overthrown, and OBJ who handed over to SHAGARI AND UMYA). No southern CIVILIAN HAS EVER RULED 9JA (Abiola would have been the first but he was murdered). AND NOTE: No coup by a non HAUSAFULANI HAS EVER SUCCEEDED….ALL COUPS by HAUSA FULANI have ALWAYS succeeded…

EXCERPTS FROM HAROLD SMITH’S CONFESSIONS: ”The north was seriously encouraged to go into the military. According to him, they believe that the south may attend western education, but future leaders will always come from military background. Their traditional rulers were to be made influential and super human. The northerners were given accelerated promotions both in the military and civil service to justify their superiority over the south. Everything was to work against the south”….

Henry Omoregie

Born in Lagos, Nigeria. Studied Psychology at the University of Ibadan and graduated with honours in 1991. Straightforward, tactful, resourceful.

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